
AAG Back To Top

Developer Notes

  • Back To Top functionality in the footer has been using the OOB SXA Link component which resides inside the Navigation tab in the Toolbox by the name Link.
  • A new rendering variant by the name Back to Top has been created for it.
  • Back to Top link located under Footer partial (/sitecore/content/EH/AAG/Presentation/Partial Designs/Footer).
  • Back to Top shows in when a user scrolls below and fades out when the user is at the top of page
  • An example of this component could be found at the bottom-right of the screen

Content Author Notes

This button is added into the partial design of the footer. 

1. Open up Content Tree and navigate to Partial Designs

2. Open up folder and right click "Footer"

3. Click the Back To Top button to open up link properties to manage. 


4. Save and Publish changes

Governance: This will not be should not be managed by a content author. 


AAG Back to Top:

  • The Back to Top will be positioned bottom right in footer. 
  • As user scrolls the page the Back to Top scrolls with the page and fades as user 
    reaches the content area below the hero, and re-appears as user scrolls down. 
  • When user clicks on Back to Top it should scroll up the page vs a hard jump.
  • See live site for design and functionality.


  • Responsive